Creating a New Library
To create a new Library, choose New Library from the File menu.
Choose a Base Package
You must first choose a Base Package for your Library. This choice will lock-in the structure of the Library, such that the Library can then store all of the input and output Datafeeds required by the Base Package.
As each Package has different inputs and outputs, a Library can only ever be used with the Base Package for which it was created. Furthermore the Library's Base Package cannot be changed.
Choose a Template
As you click on each Base Package, the list of available Templates for that Package will also be updated.
Each Base Package has a default Empty Library Template which will create a Library with no data. Additional Templates may be provided by the Package allowing you to create Libraries with pre-configured data.
Choose a File Name & Folder
As you click on each Base Package, the suggested File name and Folder for your Library file will be updated. You can type in a new name or accept the default values. Use the Browse... button to change the Folder location.
Create Your Library
Once you have chosen a Base Package, a Template, and a File Name/Folder, click OK and your new Library file will be created; it will then open automatically in the Library Explorer.
You can close a Library in the Library Explorer by selecting its node and choosing Close from the File menu or from the Library Explorer's Context Menu.