Using Conda
SyncroSim provides the option to use conda to manage all of the software dependencies associated with a SyncroSim Package. Conda is an open-source system for keeping track of all the additional software that must be in place on your computer in order to replicate the exact environment specified by the original SyncroSim Package developer. These software dependencies are bundled together as "conda packages", and can include, for example, the correct versions of software such as R and Python, along with specific versions of any R and Python packages. Enabling conda support for a SyncroSim Package allows you to run the SyncroSim Package immediately without having to install any additional software. We highly recommend you take advantage of this feature when available, as it greatly simplifies the process of getting a SyncroSim Package up and running on your computer.
There are two steps required to take advantage of conda support in SyncroSim:
1. Install conda software
You must first have some form of conda package manager software (i.e. Miniconda or Anaconda) installed on the same computer that is running SyncroSim. If you attempt to install a new SyncroSim Package that supports conda, but you don't have any conda package manager software already installed, SyncroSim will automatically prompt you to install the free Miniconda software. This install step is required only once for each computer running SyncroSim.
2. Create conda environments
If the developer of your SyncroSim Package has included conda support, then the SyncroSim Package comes with built-in instructions for creating a corresponding "conda environment" on your computer containing all the Package's software dependencies. Each time a SyncroSim Package is installed on your computer, SyncroSim automatically prompts you to create the corresponding conda environment, and then automatically downloads the necessary files from the conda-forge online repository. Advanced users also have the option within SyncroSim to manage their own conda environments directly.
Conda support is available only in SyncroSim version 2.4 and higher