Creating a Package: Overview
In most cases a SyncroSim Package involves two parts: (1) an XML configuration file defining the inputs and outputs for a particular model, and (2) the code required to transform the model's inputs into outputs.
For a SyncroSim Package, the model code can take many forms. For example:
- New models are directly supported in any .NET language (e.g. C#, VB.Net, F#).
- Existing models can be wrapped and take advantage of SyncroSim's automatic data management.
- There are packages for both R and Python to make it easy to write models in these programming languages.
SyncroSim Packages can be shared with others in one of two ways:
- By making the Package available as a file (with an extension of .ssimpkg).
- By submitting the Package to the SyncroSim Online Package Server, where approved Packages are listed and then available for automatic download from within SyncroSim.
What Next?
- Begin by building a Package from scratch
- Next add a Model to your Package
- Then define data associated with the inputs and outputs of your Package
All of these articles assume that you are familar with the Windows or Unix command-line and with the SyncroSim Package Manager command-line utility. Some familarity with SyncroSim and XML is also assumed.