The Console
The SyncroSim Console is a command line application called SyncroSim.Console.exe. To run the Console, open a command window, navigate to the SyncroSim installation folder, and type:
The Console command-line syntax is:
SyncroSim.Console.exe [command][argument, argument, ...]
- All commands and arguments are case sensitive
- All commands and arguments begin with two dashes (--)
- If an argument has a value it must be in the format
- The value for an argument must be enclosed in quotes if it contains spaces.
The available commands are:
Command | Description |
--list | Lists various SyncroSim items |
--create | Creates a SyncroSim item |
--delete | Deletes a SyncroSim item |
--setprop | Sets a SyncroSim item property |
--copy | Copies SyncroSim item |
--move | Moves a SyncroSim item |
--run | Runs a Scenario |
--split | Splits a Scenario into separate jobs |
--merge | Merges a set of jobs into a single Scenario |
--import | Imports data to a Library, Project, or Scenario Datasheet |
--export | Exports data from a Library, Project, or Scenario Datasheet |
--update | Applies updates to a Library |
--backup | Creates a backup for a Library |
--conda | Configures conda support |
--license | Installs a license or retrieves a machine code for this computer |
--console | Redirects all arguments to a specific console |
--sysdata | Uses the specified system data location (i.e. local repository, etc.) |
--version | Prints the SyncroSim version |
--quiet | Runs the current console in quiet mode |
--help | Prints help for a command |
Additional arguments may not be required for a command. For example, the --version command does not require any arguments whereas the --list command does. See the help for a command to determine whether additional arguments are required.
Output Options
By default, all output is printed to "stdout". However, in some cases the --file switch can be used to send output to a file. See the help for a specific argument to see if it supports the --file argument.
Getting Help
You can always use the --help argument to get more information about the current argument list.
For example, to show the available commands type:
SyncroSim.Console.exe --help
But to get help specifically for the --list command type:
SyncroSim.Console.exe --list --help